i declare that this kind of weather makes pple sleepy.. even pigeons get sleepy in this kinda weather. HA.
okayys. so now i'm tryin to do my EOM. evaluation of materials. but obviously its headin NO WHERE AT ALL.
i dun even noe wad to write and plus the article wasn't even found by me but by cat.
doesen help at all. arghhhh.
and wengs came online to send me the template..
hahahs. how sweeeetttttt.. everyone goes awwww..
and i'm suppose to proclaim that i LUV U WENGS!! i do do. hehhehs.
ooohhhh... and i bought the HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE..
needa re read some chapters of the Order of the pheonix to recap... can't really rmb wad happened in that book lahhhs.
damn.. my memory is really failin me... getttin old ishhh badddd..
hmmms. had ndp yesterday.. was quite fun lahs.. as usual.. with mi ard... whahahhs.
tooo bhb.. lols. this time there wasn't any bang bang who died game. and cat was a lil sick..
they put ugly make up on us... which made us look damn pale.. then the had us put blusher and lipsticks.. elllooooo.. have u seen any PSA worker look so ... hiao??? ahahhs. oh wells.
more fireworks that nighttt!! pretty pretty.. especially the one with the star.. and this time its was the real taufik and rui en.. hahas. and there wasn't anymore lightsticks for us for the finale... cause the pple from the other acts were just too selfish. humphhhs.
.. ooohs. and thanx fer the ice creammmm!! was damn touched.. din mind waitin fer u at all.. ((:
hmmms. one of my longest entry in a looooong time..whahahs.
endin at one tmm.. how early but the rest of them wud be havin chinese listening compre.:(
i need to go swimmin and get back my tan..
argghhhhhh. the weather ish disgustinnn! hahahas.
i need my hyperness.. and everyones bein so hardworkin and damn motivated.. grrrr.