*er hem*
coughs coughs.. as in real coughin..
argh.. how i wish that this stupid cough would just go away..
haiz.. i think i infected my mum with the virus too.. oh no..
always my fault.. my mum's coughing again
notice the new template??
so proud of myself k..
spent the whole day just tryin to make this stupid thing..
lol.. ok.. i made it so i am not goin to say that its stupid..haha
hmmss.. shall talk more bout the trip..
took the cathay pacific flight to hong kong..
sucha short trip.. only managed to watch one movie..
LION KING.. ahhah.. will never get sick of that show.. but half the time i was like sleepin..
medicine takin effect..
arrived on time..
then it was shoppin time!!! after check in that is..
then went for the nite tour which was basically rubishhhhhh
more shoppin.. went to all those farni places in hk.. ocean park. bleahz..
all those china tourist.. argh.. irritating pigs.. practically flooded the whole place..
got sweeped along din actually managed to see anything
took the train to shen zhen..dumm dumm
more shoppin..
more lookin ard.
walked till my legs ached like shit..
back to hk and more shoppin
hahah.. basically the whole trip was like shoppin shoppin shoppin and more shoppin..
oooooh.. yea.. and the best thing i bought there was a pair od addidas shoes.. 399 hk dollars..
rate was 1 : 4.62.. go figure..
plane was supposes to leave at 7:45 pm.. i probably said it before but i am goin to sae it again
the STUPID PLANB got delayed..
till 11PM.
then loads of pple were complaining.. some farni guy commented that they were riotin coz in sg u can't actully do that.. and that they might serve u lobsters on the plane for compensation..
lol..totally stupid.. but was damn farni to me.. lol
stupid cathay pacific company gave us some compensation worth bout $120 sgd..
ahha.. we spent all the money on starbucks.. the poor store was practically raided.
it was pretty scary considering the fact that while waitin so many pple ard u were sayin that this flight series had some problems with it and the guy at the counter said the
"even if one engine is down the plane can still continue to fly..
i noe coz i saw it in a movie once"
PLus a few minute before the boardin time the engine was still open and there were pple still doin farni stuff with..
the person kept on sayin it was for safety purposes..
then mum took their newspaper..
inside the newspaper..
they said that this series had some problem.. some part of the engine actually fell out during some flights..
scary manz..
ahhaha.. but luckily all went well,
watch my girl on the flight.. its so damn sweet.. and the lil boy ish sooooooooo cute!!!!
reached sg bout 2 am plus..
snore snore..at bout 4 am
spent the two days sleepin
i hate being sick especiall y durin the hols.. argh..
yay!!!! a loooooong entry..
another thing to be proud of today..