1/11 Mon - Higher Chinese 1
1/11 Mon - Higher Chinese 2
2/11 Tues - Social Studies (8.00-9.30)
3/11 Wed - English 1 (8.00-9.45)
3/11 Wed - English 2 (10.15-11.55)
4/11 Thurs - E Maths 1 (8.00-10.00)
5/11 Fri - A Maths 1 (8.00-10.00)
8/11 Mon - E Maths 2 (8.00-10.30)
10/11 Wed - Geography 1 (8.00-9.15)
16/11 Tues - History (2.00-3.30)
17/11 Wed - Geography 2 (8.00-10.15)
17/11 Wed - Physics 1 (2.00-3.00)
17/11 Wed - Physics 2 (3.30-5.15)
18/11 Thurs - A Maths 2 (8.00-10.00)
19/11 Fri - Chemistry 1 (2.30-3.30)
19/11 Fri - Chemistry 2 (4.00-5.45)
I just woke up!!!!
okies.. dere.. my Os timetable.. lol.. copied it from simoneeeee again..well.. she's the only one who bothered to even type that.. ahahz.. thanx ya..
22 days to freedom
4 days till the first paper
shit.. not even like halfway done..
and i seriously dun feel like studyin anymore.. bleahz..
can't imagine myself facing my tb for like 22 days??!!!
oh wellls.. not much choice rrrite..
anyhow.. this will be like my last entry till after Os !!!!
haahhahz.. gettin lazy to blog..
todae's my " study English and HCl" dae.. ahhaz..
mug mug mug mug mug
so many things i want to do..
yeps.. practicals are OVERRRRRRR!!!!!
no more practicals for the rest of the year..
hmmmsss.. hafta go study again..
i lurrrrve 4/8 and ijtp..
neva insult my school.. or else..